Dr. Joey’s Maintenance Plan

By implementing these steps, you will be well equipped to keep the weight off for life no matter what event or stressor you encounter.

We are never given a dream without the power for it to come true.

— Richard Bach

The third annual Cityline Weight Loss Challenge was a smashing success with our 3 winners losing 97 pounds collectively!


At this stage of your weight loss journey, you have likely hit your goal weight or are within striking distance of it. For starters — bravo! I am confident you now feel much lighter, more energetic and have a surge of health that is priceless. This is also the time when many people ask the age-old question “I did it — but how do I keep it off?” There is almost a fear that you will lose control and gain back the weight. I assure you, there is no reason to worry. By implementing the steps outlined below, you will be well equipped to keep the weight off for life no matter what event or stressor you encounter.

One of my greatest joys is bumping into a former weight loss client two to three years after he or she has completed my program and seeing that that person still looks as healthy, svelte and fantastic as ever. When this happens I know they have lost their weight for good (just look at Tracy – she has kept all her weight off since having Eva!).

There are a few basic principles that are involved with maintenance, which include:

Do not deny yourself — follow the 80-20 rule of eating. In other words, 80 percent of the time, follow a healthy diet and 20 percent of the time, allow yourself to fall off.

Eat up to 2 grains per day — occasionally toss your grain into dinner. Please refer to information below on healthy grain options.


Continue to eat large amounts of vegetables

Consume 2 to 3 fruits daily

Watch your nighttime eating patterns

Engage in physical activity regularly

Continue to weigh yourself 1 to 2 times per week


Do not consume alcohol daily (stick to 2-4 on weekends)

Practice 1 day of light eating (i.e. grain-free day)

Keep your fluid intake high (2 litres of water per day)


Other general rules for maintenance include:


1. Eating a protein source at every meal. Remember, protein triggers the secretion of the hormone glucagon which breaks down fat.

2. Eating breakfast (300-350 calories) each morning with a protein source such as eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt or protein powder. Natural nut butter (almond, soy or peanut) on whole grain toast is also an excellent option.

3. Avoid high glycemic index carbohydrates such as sugar (cookies, muffins, cake, candy pop) and refined flours (bagels, white bread, white pasta, white rice, sugary cereals). Over indulging in these foods creates the over secretion of the hormone insulin which will result in excess fat storage. In addition, cravings will tend to creep back in when eating too many refined flours or sugars.

4. Stop eating by 7pm. Late night eating is often emotional and is a one way ticket to gaining weight. If you catch yourself munching on cereal, bread, cookies or crackers late at night – replace with celery, carrots, sliced cucumbers, sliced apple, herbal tea or 2 skinnychews.



Proteins (4-6 ounces per meal)

Ideal protein options include:


On maintenance 3 servings of fruit per day is recommended.

Ideal fruits include:


Fruits to avoid include:


A serving of fruit is equivalent to:


Vegetables are considered “free foods.” Eat as many vegetables as you like with the exception of white or mashed potatoes.


Optimal vegetable choices are those that are green or orange such as broccoli, spinach, mesclun mix, carrots and sweet potatoes.

Other free vegetables include:

Recommended amount:


In order to maintain your weight loss success, it is best to avoid grain at your evening meal. Whole grain cereal for breakfast with a protein source and/or a whole grain wrap or sprouted grain bread for lunch with protein (chicken, fish, turkey) is recommended.


If you feel your weight is starting to creep back on, restrict your grain intake to 1 meal per day only.

When eating grain, ensure you are only consuming whole grain options such as:

Gluten free grain options include:

A serving of grain is equivalent to:



Fat (3-4 per day)


What is NOT allowed!

The following foods below are a one way ticket to knocking you out of hormonal and calorie balance and will lead to weight gain. These foods include:

Courtesy of www.drjoey.com