Creative carpet DIYs: Fringed rug, stair runner, and more

Take your carpets to the next level with these unique DIYs!

Take your carpets to the next level with these unique DIYs!

Fringed rug:




Decide on the size you want the fringed rug to be. Measure your doorway or window.

Measure the rug horizontally to match your desired doorway or window’s size.

Cut off rug-trim, except for the trim at the top where you’ll be hanging it from.

Glue edges of top trim to keep from unraveling.


Use the seam-ripper to rip the white threads holding the plastic yarn together.

Pull the coloured plastic yarn to the side, they should easily fall off. Cut the white threads (terminology: the warp) shorter if they are getting in the way.

Unravel the rug until all the white thread is loose and you have your desired fringe effect.

Add beads on the end of the plastic yarn for your desired look. (Optional)



Stair runner: 



Measure the steps you want to upholster. Either single steps or entire staircase surface area.

Measure polypropylene rug to size of steps and draw a dotted line.


On a flat, hard surface use the metal ruler as your guide and cut the dotted line with the utility knife or scissors.

Hot glue edge of rug so that the rug does not fray.

Staple the rug-runner to the stairs.


Framing a rug:




A striped pattern would be best to use for this project.

Select a 120cm x 160cm patio rug. With these you can create 1 table runner and 6 placemats OR 9 placemats

Measure your placemats to be approximately 33cm x 48cm


Your table runner should run the length of the rug, use the excess width for your placemats

Make sure the length of the placemat runs vertically to the rug weave to avoid fraying.

Cut your pieces using a utility knife or very sharp scissors

Use a hot glue gun to fold back and glue the edges along the 33cm side.



Kitchen table placemat:



Select a frame that has a wood backing

Staple gun the rug onto the back of the frame, just inside the frame edges.


If you need to adjust it to fit, either cut the rug with a utility knife or very sharp scissors, or fold it back before stapling to the wood backing.

If the rug is slightly too small, spray paint the wood backing to match the frame so the show-through appears cohesive.

Courtesy Korhani Home