Mastering the art of eclectic design

Eclectic design might seem easy, but as Shai DeLuca-Tamasi reveals, it's actually one of the trickier styles to pull off successfully!

Although it might seem that designing a space in the eclectic style is an easy task, being that the look is quite lax, it’s in fact one of the more difficult looks to accomplish successfully!

The look is truly the ultimate in design freedom, however, there are some simple rules to follow to ensure that your space doesn’t end up looking pieced together. Here are my five simple tips to follow:

1. Mismatched furnishings: There was a time when furniture sets were the trend. Interior design has really moved away from the “manufactured” look and has embraced the eclectic style. Don’t be shy about mixing that fabulous mid-century piece you acquired at auction with the antique coffee table you inherited from your family. Incorporating mixed styles is the base to creating the “collected” look you’re going for.


2. Quirky finds: You know that accessory you picked up on vacation years ago that never seemed to find the right home? There’s definitely room for it here! Combine artwork or accessories of different styles and periods that will create a look unique to you. Repurposing is a huge part of the eclectic look too. Consider an old piece you had stored away, with a fresh eye for an interesting new use.

3. Mixing patterns: Bold chevrons, dainty florals, pinstripes… combining these different feels, whether in upholstery, wall coverings or accessories, will create a depth that the eclectic look is known for. The trick is to make sure the scale of the patterns compliment each other and that there is a common thread throughout (colour, for example).

4. Textural contrast: Nothing irks a designer more than a room that is beautifully designed, but texturally flat. Go full throttle here. Get creative. Mixing metallics, woods, and materials will add an additional dimension to your eclectic space.

5. Common details: This is possibly the most important tip I can give on creating a well-designed eclectic room. Although on the surface it may not be overtly evident, the best eclectic spaces have a common tie-in throughout. It could be something as simple as one chosen colour carried throughout, or a subtle pattern in repeat. Cohesiveness in these repeated areas will make the difference between a space that looks like it was professionally designed and something that was simply thrown together.

For more of Shai’s advice on eclectic design, watch the video below.
