My Milestone Year: Your latest milestones, and share your June goals!

It’s been a fun six months of sipping wine and noshing on whatever makes me happy, but I figure this month I need to clean up my food game!

Tracy turned the big 4-0 in January, and she’s making the most of her milestone year. Each month, Tracy will be posting about a new goal on her social media accounts — it could be more time with friends, a fitness goal, or volunteering more in the community. Here’s Tracy’s goal for June, and see our round-up of your goals below.

It’s been a fun six months of sipping wine and noshing on whatever makes me happy…but I figure this month I need to clean up my food game!

If you’ve been following along, I’ve been making my 40th year count by giving myself a new goal to work on each month. This month, I’d like to see a few more veggies on my plate and a few less Mini Eggs in my fridge. (Yes, that’s where I keep them for long-term storage. Don’t even act like you’re shocked.)

My fitness regime has been pushed to capacity, and I’m loving every squat-bearing second of it. But fitness is nothing if you can’t feed your muscles properly.

So, this month my “cheats” will be more strategic and my clean eats will be more frequent.

Remember, doesn’t matter if you’re 76 or 17…post your #MyMilestoneYear goal and loop in @CitylineCA!


Tara Sinclair Hingco shared hers on Tracy’s May Instagram post: Your arms are my goal! I love my bootcamp. 3x a week I get to hang out with a great group of ladies and push myself. Never thought I’d like this kind of cross fit but it is a little addictive.

What are your June goals? Share them with us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, and be sure to include the hashtag #mymilestoneyear!