Cityline 21-day boot camp: Day 6

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene -- try Dr. Joey's chicken pasta with tomato sauce!

Every day for 21 days, Dr. Joey Shulman is sharing a meal plan filled with detoxifying and anti-inflammatory foods and ingredients that are delicious and nutrient dense. She will also provide a daily health tip and a superfood suggestion of the day. Click here for more details and to see a list of the meal plans posted so far.

Here are Dr. Joey’s meal plan, daily health tip and superfood suggestion of the day!

Meal plan

Upon waking: Lemon and water


Breakfast: Muffin in a mug

Mix all ingredients (except almond/peanut butter) into a coffee mug and then place into microwave for 50 seconds.
Add almond or peanut butter on top as a spread if desired.

Lunch: Chicken pasta

Heat a large pan on medium heat with olive oil.
Add garlic and onion and cook until onions are translucent.
Add ground chicken and cook it until cooked through.
Add broccoli and cooked pasta to pan along with tomato sauce and serve immediately.



Dinner: Green monster smoothie

Blend on high and enjoy!

Superfood of the day: tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene and lycopene – a plant nutrient that has powerful disease fighting properties and is the reason for tomatoes bright red color. When cooking tomato sauce, add in some olive oil – it helps increase the absorption of the lycopene.

Health tip of the day

Did you know cooking your pasta el dente (i.e. undercook by 1-2 minutes) helps to keep the fibre in the pasta and lowers the glycemic index response (blood sugar response). This little trick helps to keep you fuller longer and has less impact on energy and weight.

Courtesy Dr. Joey Shulman
