A DIY for the birds: Homemade bird seed cookies and wreath

This DIY project is for the birds! Literally! Gardening expert Carson Arthur shows us how to whip up this easy craft that's a great treat for your feathered friends.

This DIY project is for the birds! Literally! Gardening expert Carson Arthur shows us how to whip up this easy craft that’s a great treat for your feathered friends.

Homemade bird seed wreath and cookies

(original DIY here)




Spray bundt pan with cooking spray, set aside. On stove top over medium heat, whisk gelatin and water until dissolved. Whisk in corn syrup and cornstarch next. Keep whisking until there are no lumps. It will form a thick paste. Make sure mixture is thick before moving on to the next step. If it’s slow to thicken, sometimes allowing it to cool helps.

Add 4 cups bird seed to thickened mixture. Mix well. Spoon into mold. Spray back of metal spoon with cooking spray and press firmly down on mixture so it is well packed in the mold. Place in refrigerator until set. It will be hard to the touch when it’s set. It usually takes about 1/2 hour. Remove from mold onto baking sheet, carefully. Let dry for a couple of days (turning occasionally). Tie on a bow for hanging (Warning: do not use twine or other thin hard hangers as it will cut through the wreath and cause it to fall).

Courtesy Carson Arthur