5 tips for achieving the perfect lawn

Having the perfect lawn may seem impossible, but it's not! Gardening expert Frank Ferragine shares five tips to help you achieve the perfect lawn.

Having the perfect lawn in the summer may seem impossible, but it’s not! Gardening expert Frank Ferragine shares five tips to help you achieve the perfect lawn and maintain it all season long!

1. Don’t cut your grass too short

It’s common for people to want to cut their grass very short in hopes of cutting down on upkeep, however, shorter grass means the seeds are exposed, resulting in a scorched, dry lawn (especially on hot days). Lift the blades of your lawn mower approximately four inches off the ground and cut it more often, this will shade the root systems and will encourage a lusher, fuller lawn.

Bonus: This is also a way to eliminate weeds as longer grass will shade the weed seeds and help eliminate the amount of weeds.


2. Alternate directions each time you mow your grass

By alternating the direction each time you cut your lawn, you are improving the health of the grass blades. Try mowing your lawn vertically one week, and horizontally the next for an even, fuller lawn. It is also important to keep your lawn mower’s blades sharp to avoid the grass tearing.

3. Pay attention to the water

Lawns need approximately one inch of water per week. A great way to ensure you do not over water your lawn or waste water is to put a one inch container in the middle of your lawn and time how long it takes for it to fill.

Note: It is best to water in the morning hours to avoid the water evaporating before it saturates your lawn.

4. Plant grass seed in the spring or fall

Grass needs the soil temperature of 17 degrees to grow, which makes it extremely difficult for grass seed to survive in the summer months. The best time to plant grass seed is fall.

5. Make your lawn the aggressor

Fertilizer is a crucial factor in growing a lush, thick lawn. Fertilizing in the spring, summer, and fall promotes growth and allows your lawn to become the aggressive plant and outgrow the weeds!