Meet our 2017 Cityline Weight Loss Challenge winners!

Meet our four 2017 Cityline Weight Loss Challenge participants!


Charline is a 31 year old mother of two, a wife of six years, a youth pastor, a student at Humber College and a career woman. Charline says she has been overweight her entire life. In 2005, she lost a significant amount of weight by taking weight loss supplements and dangerously dropped to 145 pounds in just two months. Now at 213 pounds, Charline is at the  point where she just wants to be healthy and lose weight the right way. She says she is excited for this journey, and has the motivation to accomplish what she has set out to do. Her new hashtag – #igotthis.


Shaun is a husband and a father of two beautiful children ages five and three. He is also a fire captain for York region fire and has worked in emergency services for the past 20 years. Shaun loves to travel and is an avid photographer that takes him all across North America. He is interested in losing weight, boosting energy for his kids and being pro active with his health.  Shaun is 5″11 and is starting weight is 223.


Rene is a 45 year old registered nurse and is married with two wonderful children ages 14 and 10. Most of the time you can find Rene at a hockey arena or a ski hill or trying to fit in a work out here and there. Rene is beautifully tall (6″1) and carries her weight around her middle section. In addition to weight loss, Rene is interested in an eating approach that will help her keep her weight off for life and feel her best. According to Rene – this is her year of yes! Rene’s starting weight is 209 pounds.



Kelly is a wife and mother of two girls (ages eight and five).  She is 42 years old and work full-time as an administrative assistant. Kelly joined the Cityline Weight Loss Challenge to finally lose the weight (she says it is the push she needed!).

Kelly is 5″3 and her starting weight is 184 pounds.