8 tips to boost your dating confidence and self-esteem

Relationship expert, Dr. Laura Berman shares 8 tips to boost your dating confidence and self-esteem.

Confidence comes from the inside out. While taking care of your external self and practicing good self-care is crucial for looking your best, don’t neglect what is on the inside. That’s what really counts! Relationship expert, Dr. Laura Berman shares 8 tips to help you boost your dating confidence and self-esteem.

When it comes to physical beauty, here is what you can try:

Wear red

Getting a hair blowout

Applying Visine


For that inner beauty aspect, consider these tips:


Self-worth + confidence

Pre-date outdoor exercise

Lower the stakes

Get into an open-hearted state.

Remember, the energy you bring to date night matters. If you radiate love, openness and peacefulness, you will attract that type of energy back to you. That’s quantum physics in a nutshell—like attracts like, and we get back what we give. So if you want a love life that is meaningful, exciting and whole-hearted, you need to live as though that energy already exists within you (it does!) and vibrate it out into the universe.