Tracy Moore Shares Her #MeToo Story: ‘I Couldn’t Sleep Without The Lights On’

The Cityline host will discuss her own story on Wednesday’s show.

When Cityline host Tracy Moore was in university, a strange man followed her into a friend’s building late at night and grabbed her in a stairwell. She managed to escape, but for years, she says, she couldn’t sleep without the lights on. It’s a story that Moore is sharing, only now, for the first time — even some of her relatives didn’t know — and one that she’ll be exploring further on Wednesday on Cityline.

Moore’s candid admission was spurred on by #MeToo, a social-media campaign in response to the Harvey Weinstein scandal, to give voice to women who’ve experienced sexual assault and harassment in the past. Since its inception, the hashtag has proved, however sadly, that Moore isn’t alone.