5 Steps To Identify (And Change) Your Dating Behavior

This is really about getting back to that emotionally intelligent version of yourself in order to enjoy love, dating, and the process of it all.


This is really about getting back to that emotionally intelligent version of yourself in order to enjoy love, dating, and the process of it all.


  1. You have to know yourself inside and out – and knowing yourself also means getting feedback from others, which can be uncomfortable. You’ll need to know your strengths, your weaknesses… and once you know, then you’re aware of what needs to be changed.
  2. Step two is change – and that’s the hard part! Maybe those ballet flats that smell funky aren’t the best option to wear – perhaps I should change my style. Or, you could be suffering from something called a “source fracture”. What this means: maybe someone called you ugly or stupid and you began to believe that. As a result, you created a persona around this lie; you must change that and reclaim your excellence, reclaim what’s great about you and start working forward to highlight your strengths to, in turn, alter your self-perception.
  3. Step three is to LEARN! Fill yourself up with the best. There are so many different ways to learn about dating. In my book we have a self defense instructor, a stripper, a body language coach and a marketing expert all share their expertise. In your own life begin asking the person at Starbucks how they remember people’s names. That’s a crucial thing to know!
  4. Step four is to practice! What are you doing when you’re in an elevator? And when you’re surrounded by random people? If you’re not practicing being the kind of person you want to be in low risk environments, what chance do you have when the stakes are high? It’s like asking a basketball player to dunk in a game if they’ve never done it in practice. You need to do – and exude – those behaviours daily so that when it counts, they’re second nature.
  5. Step five – Become your own!



To order Shannon’s book, ‘The Game of Desire’, click here.