A 30 Minute Home Deep Clean To Do Before The Holidays

The holidays are around the corner, which means it's time to do that deep cleaning you've been putting off!

The holiday deep clean is something we always put off. I am focusing on doing a deep clean, in one room, in 30 minutes! But if you ask me to give up the whole day, that’s just not happening. However, a deep, thorough clean, is 100% possible in 30 minutes.

1. Start with a power tidy up 

The very first thing we are going to do is tidy up. It is so easy to forget about things that aren’t in their spot. If it doesn’t have a home in that room put it in a new basket or find a new home for it. Get rid of old magazines (my personal weakness) and books that pile up. Be sure to recycle them and donate them, not toss them.

2. Dust everything 

Start high and then work low because as you dust you will have particles that will fall down. Door frames, vents, corners of the room (I’m looking at you, cobwebs) picture frames, TVs, lamps. You don’t need any tools to do this. All you need is a clean microfibre cloth and a lint roller, that will tackle most of this for you. One of the tricky things to dust is your lampshade. My trick to dust a lampshade is to use a lint roller and you won’t believe how much dust comes off!

3. Wash drapes and blinds

It will not only make your home smell gorgeous, but it can hold major dust and allergens! Either take them to the cleaners or wash them yourself depending on the fabric that you have. This will freshen up a room quickly! If you have hard blinds you want to actually clean in between those as well.

4. Giving the softa a deep clean

Do you have slipcovers? Toss them in the wash, along with any pillow covers that can be washed too. I recently discovered an oxy-booster and used it on my slipcovers, it is nothing short of amazing! Look at the difference between the top of this ottoman, which has been cleaned, and the bottom, which hasn’t been cleaned.

5. Cleaning floors and deep cleaning those carpets

Now it’s time to tackle the floors. Obviously, give your rugs a good vacuum but take them to the next level and let’s really wash them. I’m not a fan of renting carpet washers. There are great ones out there that are so easy to use and don’t take up much more space than a vacuum.

This one, the Hoover Power Scrub Carpet & Upholstery Cleaner, is super easy to use. You’ll find the whole Hoover vacuum lineup at your local Canadian Tire store. It also has this Spot Chaser™ Pretreat Wand to hit the tough spots like the kid’s dried spilt cereal or the old pet accident. If you are in a super small space or have spots to clean like carpeted stairs, they have the Hoover Clean Slate Portable Deep Cleaner. Don’t get me wrong, it can handle the big stains, but it is super easy to carry around and needs very little space to store it.