A Self Care Gift Guide

Show you care about their self-care!

We love self-care, and self-care gifts are perfect for the holidays. Nothing says I care about you more than allowing that special someone to sit back, relax, and focus on taking care of themselves. Self-care is so important because it leads to decreased anxiety, depression, and increases your overall mood. Don’t know where to start? Today is your lucky day because here is a list of our most loved self-care gifts.

1. For a relaxing night in:

UnboxMe Care Package

Instead of making a self-care package yourself, this care package comes with everything they will need to kickstart a night of relaxation in the cutest packaging.


DAVIDsTEA Relaxation Kit

Who doesn’t love tea! This David’s Tea relaxation kit comes with caffeine-free teas, a silk eye mask and a star glass mug that is perfect for unwinding after a big day.

Spa Basket Gift

Nothing says self-care like a bubble bath. This spa basket gift set comes with a variety of soaps, lotions, and scrubs with a fresh lily scent.

UV LED Nail Lamp Gel Nail Kit

Painting your nails with nail polish can be so therapeutic and rewarding, but they always seem to chip the day after. With this gel lamp kit they will be able to paint their nails with long-lasting gel polish just like the nail salon but from the comfort of their home.

2. Self-care card games

The Self Care Bucket List

A self-care bucket list is such a great gift idea for someone to incorporate self-care into their daily routine.



Affirmation Cards With Thought-Provoking Questions

We LOVE affirmations. They remind you to live in the present moment and be grateful for who you are.

Our Moments For Couples

The Our Moments card game is great for couples to practice self-care, gratitude, and appreciation together. The card game has great conversation starters that will help to form a stronger relationship whether you are a new couple or have been together for years.

52 Stress Less & Self Care Cards

The past two years have been stressful. This self-care card deck is amazing because it includes effective exercises for practicing meditation, relieving anxiety and managing stress.

3. Self-care books

Make Yourself Cozy: A Guide for Practicing Self-Care

Katie Vaz’s book on self-care explains to readers how to create a relaxing cozy atmosphere to help deal with anxiety.


Self-Care for Moms

For moms finding time to practice self-care can be hard when they are always taking care of everyone else. This book helps moms find time for themselves with realistic self-care activities they can fit into their busy schedules.

Present, Not Perfect Journal

Present, Not Perfect by Aimee Chase is a great book for those who are super busy by reminding readers to live in the moment and be reminded of what is truly important in life.

The Teacher’s Guide to Self-Care

The Teacher’s Guide to Self Care is a great present for any teacher in your life to avoid burnout and continue doing what they love.

4. Self-care activities

Embroidery Starter Kits for Beginners

Crafts are a great way to practice self-care because it allows your mind to relax and focus on the calming task at hand. This embroidery kit is not only is calming but creates a cute embroidered design that they can hang on their wall for decoration!


Knitting Kits for Beginners Adults

Knitting is also another loved activity for self-care because it is great at reducing stress and anxiety!

Paint By Numbers

painting can be fun, but sometimes it’s hard to decide what to paint. This paint by numbers kit makes it easy for anyone to paint and create the beautiful paintings that the kit offers.

Mini Terrariums Craft Kit

Plants are all fun and games until you forget to water them. This terrarium kit allows them to make three terrariums that look like real plants but last forever and can be hung on the wall to bring calmness to any space.

All of our product suggestions are independently researched and sourced by Cityline. However, if you purchase something through cityline.tv, we may earn commission. Thanks for visiting us!