And the Winners Are...

You took this challenge seriously and I appreciate it! A week ago I asked you to help me pick out your ten favourite photos from a shoot my family had done with talented photographer Tara Sinclair Hingco.

So many of you helped me narrow down the list and pick the photographs that will go up in Eva’s nursery and the living room of our house. It wasn’t an easy task. In fact you told me quite often that I was nuts. You also said my mom was right, and that I should have every single one printed.

Well, we can’t do that, but we will definitely be finding a nice home for many more of the photographs that were taken that day. I just wanted to know the absolute top crowd favourites. And here they are! (Check out the slideshow.) This is in order of popularity: 8, 58, 10, 77, 29, 56, 74, 80, 21, 36 (Unfortunately we can’t order them in the slideshow, but the numbers are given beneath each photo so that you can see which ones were the most popular.).

If the numbers mean nothing to you because the gallery is now down at then #8 is the photo with all four of us, Lio and I looking down and the kids looking straight to camera. All of the ones that follow are in order of popularity.

I can’t tell you how happy I am that so many of you were introduced to the special talent that is photographer Tara Sinclair Hingco. She is giving out prizes to some lucky winners who emailed with photo selections. You may have been chosen in a random draw. Go to her blog for a list of the winners. You could be one of them!

Thanks to all of you who shared your own personal photos with me as well. I never get tired of looking at people’s kids. It was just really special to be able to share this time in our lives with all of you.

Enjoy the slideshow and keep in touch.
