Our Fit Couples have been chosen!

This challenge will test you emotionally, mentally and physically!

For 8 weeks, I will be working with 5 couples to inject a solid dose of fitness into their lives!

We’ve selected couples of partners, friends, and family members from all ages and fitness levels so that there will be someone for all Cityline viewers to relate to. We’ll introduce them to you very soon, but for now, here’s how you can get in on the action:

Do you have a friend who you would love to get healthy with?


Perhaps your mom needs to get off the couch?

What about your hubby or wife?

There is nothing more powerful than the love you have for these relationships. This 8-week journey will teach these couples everything they need to know to take control of their lives again — and the same applies to you.

This challenge will test you emotionally, mentally and physically!

Just when you think you ‘can’t’ there will be someone in this challenge just like you showing you that indeed you CAN!


The five couples will be meeting with me every other week for a seminar and workout. They will be given weekly homework and be in constant communication with me. The couples will be accountable to reporting their daily progress on food, mental focus and workouts using my F-31 workout DVD (www.f31workout.com).

Since each couple has a different starting point, they will be evaluated based on levels of improvement over the eight weeks. The couple will set a starting baseline with me and work towards achieving their prescribed plan as advised.

These are real people, just like you. Follow us for 8 weeks, join along, get inspired and see how you too can make the changes you need to get control of your life back!

Be sure to check with your physician before starting any new fitness regime.

Do you have any questions for Stephanie Joanne? Email them to submissions@cityline.ca.