All about tomatoes!

Frankie Flowers shares all you need to know about varieties of tomatoes, how to store them and answers to all your other tomato questions!

“East Coast or West Coast, it doesn’t matter where you live, tomatoes are a big deal,” says Cityline gardening expert Frankie Flowers. Now that we’re in September, it’s the perfect time to enjoy the last flavours of summer with the final summer harvest: tomatoes. Here’s all you need to know about the different varieties of tomatoes, how to store them and answers to all your other tomato questions!

Four popular types of tomatoes are Roma tomatoes, beefsteak tomatoes, grape tomatoes and cherry tomatoes.

Roma tomatoes are great for making sauces, slicing or adding to a salad. They are also an inexpensive type of tomato — Frankie says that right now, you can find a bushel for under $20.


Beefsteak tomatoes are beautiful at this time of year. Frankie loves to slice them up and eat them on a sandwich with a little salt and mayonnaise.

Grape tomatoes or cherry tomatoes this variety has a longer shelf life than most tomatoes, they also make a healthy snack for kids.

Now that you know all about the different varieties of tomatoes, Frankie answers all of your burning tomato questions!

How should I store tomatoes?

Store tomatoes at room temperature. “By putting them in the refrigerator you’re actually taking away from the flavor of the tomato,” says Frankie.


How should I store my green tomatoes?

“Store green tomatoes in total darkness,” says Frankie, however, if you want your green tomatoes to ripen, place them in a paper bag with a ripe tomato and it will help them ripen right away.

What does it mean when my tomatoes have cracks?

It’s a relationship to the amount of water the tomato has received.

How should I harvest my own tomatoes at home?


Twist them off! If the tomatoes are ripe, they should twist right off. “The best way to harvest a tomato is when they have been vine-ripened,” says Frankie.

For more information on tomatoes, watch the clip below!