Help us celebrate Tracy’s 1000th show!

Send us your congratulatory messages for Tracy as we prepare to celebrate her 1000th show!

We’re getting ready to celebrate an important milestone here at Cityline: our host Tracy Moore’s 1000th show!

She’s done it all — from interviewing celebs (hello, Oprah!), to cooking with the 3 Chefs, to admiring the latest styles with our Fashion Friday stylists, to helping our decor experts with their DIY projects — and she’s done it with grace and poise. (Although Trace would probably laugh to read that.)

This is where you, our Cityline viewers, come in. We’re looking for any and all of the following:


1) A congratulatory message to Tracy.

2) Photos of you with Tracy (in our audience or out at an event).

3) Favourite moment from the show involving Tracy.

Please send your memories, your messages, and your photos, to, and be sure to include “Tracy 1000” in the subject line. If you’d like to send us a video message, please post it to YouTube and send us the link!

Thanks for your help, everyone! We’re looking forward to showering Tracy with love on this big occasion. Be sure to watch Tracy’s 1000th show, airing on October 8, 2013, at 9am!