Meet our Cityline Weight Loss Challenge winners!

We were flooded with applications for the 2014 Weight Loss Challenge, so after much whittling down, we selected these three women to work with Dr. Joey directly.

We were overwhelmed and thrilled by how many of you applied to work with Dr. Joey for the 2014 Cityline Weight Loss Challenge.

After going through more than 1,000 applications, we managed to narrow down to three lucky winners who’ll be working with Dr. Joey directly. They are Cindy, Mira, and Sarah. Let’s meet them now:




Cindy, a hospital secretary from Brampton, Ont., finds nighttime eating a challenge (particularly after a stressful workday). She loves to support workplace events — she’s been on the dragon boat team for two years — but lately has been finding it difficult at her current weight. She’s tried a number of diets over the years but none have worked for her.

Says Cindy, “I’m looking forward to having the opportunity to change my life not only for me but for all the other people I can inspire to do the same!”




Mira, a human resources director in Toronto, Ont., finds it difficult balancing all the priorities in her life. Her job keeps her busy, and she and her husband have two hockey-playing kids who need to be taken back and forth to the rink for practices and games. Eating often happens on the run.

As Mira noted in her application email, “I will start being ‘good’ for a few weeks usually in the summer when the kids are off school, but then will go back to eating-on-the-run mode when school and hockey starts up. Need to break the cycle for good!”

Mira says she wants to feel “energetic, vibrant, and in control” again!



Sarah, from Toronto, Ont., is a mom of three — a four-year-old and two-year-old twins — and often finds herself devoid of energy. She’s had a challenging time losing the baby weight after her twins were born, and struggles with balancing her own needs (healthy eating and exercise) with the needs of her family. She feels guilty when she puts herself first, even though she knows it will benefit her entire family.

Says Sarah, “I would like to get to the point where I feel as though I look good in my clothes and am not embarrassed by the weight I can’t seem to take off.”

She would also like to be a role model for her daughters, and “show them that it is ok to prioritize your own needs and try to be the best you can be, and that living a healthy lifestyle is of the utmost importance.”

Finally, meet our web exclusive participant, Jenn!

Jenn, a Toronto teacher with three kids (a five-year-old and twin three-year-olds), impressed us with her positive attitude toward the challenge, and when she suggested that she and her colleagues were considering doing the challenge together, we invited her to share her progress here on She’ll be blogging about her triumphs, challenges, successes, recipes that worked for her, and more, in the Weight Loss Winners blog.


As Jenn noted in her application email to us, “I want to be able to play with my kids for longer than five minutes. I want to return to the energetic and happy person I once was. It’s time to take charge of my health for my sake and for my children.”

You can follow along with Cindy, Mira, Sarah, and Jenn right here on Go to for all the tools you need to take part.