10 no-stress healthy school snacks

We've bundled our favourite hassle-free and healthy school snack ideas your kids will actually eat!

Every lunch box needs a couple of nibbles in there to keep your little ones energized throughout the day. It’s easy to toss in pre-packaged treats, but these are generally full of added sugars and unnecessary fat. Sure, we love the occasional dessert every now and then, but we recommend healthy snacks to pair with a lunch to keep them nourished while they learn. For some wholesome inspiration, we’ve bundled ten of our favourite hassle-free school snack ideas your kids will actually eat!

Quick tip: Change up the snacks regularly to fight boredom (and possible trades).

Veggies and dip: You can nail the “healthy snack” title by just sending cut up veggies, but where’s the fun in that? There are dozens of low-fat dipping options that are great atop some carrot sticks. If you want an even healthier option, try hummus. You can purchase several flavours at your local grocery store, or even make your own! We personally love this edamame hummus recipe.


Fruit salads: Fresh fruit is always good in our books, but why not make it a little interesting? Cut up your child’s favourite fruit and mix it all up! If you’re looking for a more recess-friendly option, opt for no-sugar added dried fruit.

Homemade muffins: We emphasize the “homemade” part here mainly due to possible peanut allergies, and because you can control exactly what ingredients go in. If you need some inspiration, we love these raspberry oat bran muffins. For extra points: bake these into mini muffins so you can send two!

Greek yogurt: We prefer the Greek-style yogurt not only because it’s extra delicious, but it also packs in twice the amount of protein than regular yogurt. For a little extra “umph,” add in some natural honey and fruit.

Granola bars: Again, homemade granola bars are best because you can control which ingredients you use, and it eliminates the allergy potential. However, if you prefer store-bought, make sure to read the labels thoroughly for proper nutritional value and to assure there are zero traces of peanuts.

Popcorn: This movie snack is usually a huge hit, but let’s skip the extra butter and caramel and keep it simple. Make a mini bag in the morning and use a zip-lock bag or a container to keep it intact all morning. Your kids will love this one!


Unsweetened applesauce: You can either buy individual containers in your local grocery store or easily make it at home! We particularly enjoy this applesauce recipe, but feel free to add in your own personal touch.

Low-fat cheese and crackers: This snack is a legend in the lunch box chronicles and a snack that shouldn’t be meddled with. In this case, we would recommend low-fat cheese and whole grain crackers to up the health factor.

Chocolate pudding: Who doesn’t love chocolate? Instead of just sending a chocolate bar, try this chocolate avocado pudding recipe. Avocado and chocolate? What!? Trust us — this one is amazing, tastes like creamy chocolate, and is loaded with fibre!

Rice crisps: These travel-friendly snacks are irresistibly yummy and can be tailored to be extra healthy! Our favourite recipe? The Sweet Potato Chronicles’ rice crispy bars with blueberries and raisins.

What snacks will you be packing in your child’s lunch box this school year? Let us know in the comments!


Photo credit: Maya Visnyei