Cityline Featured Blogger: Alex from northstory

We love Alex's take on décor and DIYs, as well as her honest insight into her day-to-day life as a woman and a mother

There are so many fabulous bloggers out there, and we want to highlight them on We’ll be profiling different lifestyle bloggers from month to month — they might write about food, fashion, beauty, décor, parenting, entertaining, gardening, you get the idea! For December 2014, we’re putting the spotlight on northstory. Run by Alex, we love her take on décor and DIYs, as well as her honest insight into her day-to-day life as a woman and a mother. Here’s our Q&A with Alex:

When did you start northstory and what was the inspiration behind starting the blog? How did you come up with your blog’s name?

I used to work in television and lived downtown in the city. I joke that when you go from being a TV producer to staying at home in the suburbs with your kids, it’s kind of like the equivalent of being grounded as an adult just because the two worlds are so different. I needed to maintain my love of creative story telling so I started a blog. That was back in early 2012. By late 2012 I had changed names to reflect more of the direction that my blog content had taken me and northstory came about. The name is reflective of my life: I live in the Great White North (Canada) and this is my story. I often use the expression that “I like uncomplicated” as my blog mantra, both in regards to my décor sense and the projects I do. My style is very Scandinavian mixed in with a bit of Canadiana.


On your blog you write a variety of different posts, discussing everything from décor and DIYs to the life of a mom. What do you like about covering different topics on your blog, and what’s your favourite type of post to write?

Originally my blog was supposed to be a journal of our home renovations but I realized really quickly that was not going to be the case. The dramatic Before and Afters that everyone loves to see take a long time to finish in real life, despite what you may see on a 30 minute TV show. I also had a lot more I wanted to write about in between, so I started blogging about everything from buying a couch in a snowstorm like a good Canadian would, to making card crafts, to upcycled home décor projects. I spend way too much time in our recycling bin and thrift stores trying to sort out what I could turn objects into.

My favourite posts to write surprisingly are not the DIY ones despite doing a ton of them. I actually love writing product reviews, talking about blogging, day-to-day life and the craft fails because that’s what I find readers respond to the most. Don’t get me wrong, great photos are important especially in this visual medium (plus I’ve discovered a love of styling photographs) but nothing is better than people writing to you saying, “That made me laugh because I can so relate!” My writing and the storytelling aspect of my blog is a big part of who I am. I don’t want to just be a pinned image.

Tell us about a post (or two!) that you’re particularly proud of and want to share with readers.

I love Halloween but the Evil Queen costume was by far my (our) favourite Halloween project to date.


I do a ton of projects with embroidery hoops which is funny because I have no idea how to embroider anything but I’ve turned them into not just planters but also wreaths.

Readers really responded to the first time I ever used a sewing machine. For the record I am still terrible at sewing. But these types of posts are my favourite ones to write.

What do you hope readers get from visiting your blog?

If I can make you laugh or relate to me in any way I’ve done my job. I am serious. I should warn you that I do write with a dry sense of humour and it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. And always take what you see as inspiration not expectation. Just because I enjoy making cards doesn’t mean I expect others to do the same. Decorating cakes for example, I am just going to leave that one to the talented food bloggers and bakers of the world.

What are some other blogs you love reading?


Oh, this could get really long so I’ll stick to Canadian ones for this one, as there is a ton of talent in this country. I know I am going to forget someone and feel terrible the moment I publish this.

Design the Life You Want to Live

A Pretty Life in the Suburbs

Storefront Life

The Uncommon Law


Rambling Renovators

The Sweet Escape

Fynes Designs


Hello Lidy


What’s your top advice for other bloggers?

I thought about this one for awhile. Then I wrote 10 different answers and erased them all. Because the truth is no matter what advice I give, it may or may not apply to your blog because no two bloggers are the same. What works for one may not work for another. The only thing I will say is as your life and interests off the computer screen evolve, give yourself permission to let your blog evolve along with it. Follow your own path. This is your story and no one else’s.

We want to hear from you! Do you know a blogger we should feature on Maybe it’s you! Email us at and include “Cityline Featured Blogger” in the subject line. And don’t forget to include a link to the blog! Look forward to hearing from you!