Two Valentine’s Day DIYs: Chanel bottle washi canvas art and XOXO painted canvas art

If you're looking to add a personalized touch to your Valentine's Day décor, Nicholas Rosaci has two great DIY projects for you!

If you’re looking to add a personalized touch to your Valentine’s Day décor, Nicholas Rosaci has two great DIY projects for you!

Chanel bottle washi canvas art

Materials required:

Paint the canvas a solid colour of your choice using a 2″ wide paint brush and let dry. You may need two coats of paint for a perfect finish.


Cut a piece of black washi tape which matches the length and width of canvas outside edge. Affix the tape along the edges to create a thin black banding. Use scissors or an exacto-knife to trim the tape for a perfect size and fit.

Create the lid of the bottle by cutting small pieces of washi tape to create an upside down-trapezoid shape, with the longest side of the trapezoid positioned just below the banding at the top centre of the canvas.

Continue cutting and affixing pieces of washi tape to the canvas to create the bottle neck and body as desired.  If the bottle outline is not perfectly straight, simply lift off the washi tape, trim if needed, and re-position until perfect.

To make the label, cut pieces of tape to create a simple smaller box rectangle within the bottle outline.

Carefully center gold letter stickers that resemble the “Chanel” or other font of your choice!


XOXO painted canvas art variation


Paint the canvas a solid colour of your choice using the 2″ wide paint brush and let dry. You may need two coats of paint for a perfect finish. You can also just leave the canvas white if desired.

Use a small artist’s paint brush and a single colour to paint on the canvass alternating X’s and O’s of the same size.  A simple grid pattern has a bold and “loving” graphic effect.



Courtesy Nicholas Rosaci