Beer-battered zucchini blossoms

It's worth tracking down zucchini blossoms for Chef Randy Feltis' addictive appetizer.

It’s worth tracking down zucchini blossoms for Chef Randy Feltis’ addictive appetizer. With a crunchy beer batter, it’s perfect for the summer!

Beer-battered zucchini blossoms

Serves 4 -6
Prep time 8 min
Cook time 4 min 




In a large, deep fry pan, add vegetable oil halfway up and heat vegetable oil to 350 F.

In a medium-sized bowl, mix flour, cornstarch beer, and a pinch of salt and pepper. The mixture should have a lightm pancake-batter texture. Set aside.

Cut mozzarella into batons (1/2 inch by 1 1/2) and gently stuff the zucchini flower with cheese and a basil leaf. Twist the flower around the cheese and dip into batter, twisting the same way to ensure the flower is sealed. Place in hot oil and fry evenly until golden.

Remove, ‎season again and serve with your favourite tomato sauce.


Courtesy Chef Randy Feltis