Sesame-encrusted tuna and cucumber salad

Chef Randy Feltis makes this simple spring salad with cucumbers and radishes—the first veggies of the season—and seared albacore tuna, which is sustainable, Canadian and full of flavour.

Chef Randy Feltis makes this simple spring salad with cucumbers and radishes—the first veggies of the season—and seared albacore tuna, which is sustainable, Canadian and full of flavour.

Sesame-encrusted albacore tuna and cucumber salad

Serves 4



1 lb albacore tuna
1 cucumber
1 bunch radish
1 handful chopped dill
4 oz butter
1 lime
Salt and pepper
Sesame seeds


1. In a small pot, gently simmer butter until milk solids toast.

2. Season with salt and pepper and lime juice. Set aside.

3.  Season tuna with salt, pepper ‎and sesame. Sear at medium hot pan one minute per side.


4. Carve into one ounce pieces.

5. Peel cucumber into long ribbons, slice radish as thin as possible, and toss in a bowl with ‎dill.

6. For plating, lay down three pieces of tuna top with salad and drizzle warm butter vinaigrette.