7 tips to overcome your fear of public speaking

Entertainment reporter, Teri Hart helps us overcome our fear of Glossophobia!

The average person ranks the fear of public speaking higher than the fear of death. Standing up in front of a room of people can be paralyzing but every single person will be called on to do it professionally at some point in their lives. Entertainment reporter, Teri Hart shares her ways and tips to help you get better and feel better about the experience and overcoming Glossophobia!


I’ve broken these do’s down into an acronym (BRIEF) that is a good check list for every time that you are presenting or public speaking.


In everything that you are saying, we are often given words from communications or marketing or our bosses to say that don’t ring true, make these words your own and believe in what you are saying.



There’s no formula that is right here, but as a general rule your presentation should be firm 2 days before your event. Read it out loud as many times as you need to know what you are saying, not memorize but know what the words are and what the structure is. The night before is a good time for a couple of out loud reads and the day of, run through a few times.


This is the most difficult for many people and of course the most important. You are presenting for a reason. You know what you’re talking about because you believe it and you’ve rehearsed it. You are the expert. People need to hear what you have to say. Whether it is to do a better job or to learn something you are there for a very good and specific reason. Respect the place that you are in.


Be sure that you aren’t repeating yourself and don’t worry about time. Don’t try to fill a block in the agenda. Concise is always best.


Let yourself smile, everyone looks nice smiling. Enjoy being the expert. And remember that you’ve done the hard work to be here and having people listen to you, that should be FUN!

Mark Twain quoted “There are two types of speakers, those who get nervous and those who are liars”. Making a speech or presenting an idea doesn’t come naturally to anyone. Like every other skill set in your life you practice and get better and find a groove and build on your experiences.