Save Your Hair From Winter With Deep Conditioning

If your hair has been feeling drier than usual lately, you may want to reboot your routine. Here's how to put some life back into your locks!

If your hair has been feeling drier than usual lately, you may want to reboot your routine. Here’s how to put some life back into your locks!

Why is Deep Conditioning Important?

At this time of year, our hair needs some extra love, and regular conditioner just isn’t going to cut it. Deep conditioning is important because day to day products do not penetrate deep into the hair shaft. Deep conditioning penetrates the hair shaft and helps restore moisture loss from products and weather conditions, hydrating the hair shaft and preventing brittle hair that would cause breakage. 


Step 1: Always Start with Clean Hair

Like anything in beauty, you want to start with a clean slate. Use a clarifying shampoo to remove all the product built up on the hair. This will allow the hair to fully absorb the treatment without any barriers. Clarifying your hair before you deep condition allows the product to fully penetrate the hair shaft without having to work through product build up.

Step 2: Towel Dry and Apply Conditioner

Apply enough conditioner to cover the length of your hair, avoiding the first two inches of the roots. Be very thorough so that you get an even effect on your hair.

Step 3: Use Heat or a Plastic Cap 


Put on a plastic cap or apply some sort of heat to your hair. This helps hold in your body heat and allows your hair’s cuticle to open. This causes the product to penetrate deeper into the shaft cuticle and allows for full absorption of the product.

How Long Should We Leave It On?

Keep your treatment on for a minimum of 30 minutes. This allows  for the product to fully absorb and hydrate you hair. After the 30 minutes rinse your hair with cool or cold water. This closes the hair’s cuticle and seals the hydration inside the hair.  This will create shiny hair and long-lasting hydration.

How Often Should We Do This Treatment?

It depends on the texture of your hair! In any case, make it part of your routine once every two weeks, but tighter textures tend to be dry and brittle. If your hair has more of this quality, deep conditioning once a week may be more helpful to you.