Self-Care Hacks to Add to Your Routine

Self-care is so essential, yet it’s always on the backburner. Here are five ways to totally transform your self-care routine.

The morning routine

The morning is precious! Setting your alarm 45 minutes to an hour before you need to start getting ready is a great way to make time for yourself before the hustle and bustle begin. Use this time to drink a glass of water, journal, and do a quick yoga routine or meditation. Using a 5-minute journal is a great way to reflect with the help of prompts. Once you’ve completed your routine, lather on some body lotion. During this time, try to stay off your phone. Use this time to ground and connect with yourself.



Taking care of your skin is critical. Taking the steps of applying a serum, eye cream, face cream, lip treatment, and lash serum is calming and meditative. Seeing your skin hydrated and glowy ultimately makes you feel good, and that feeling is what you’re after… It then trickles into your day.


A solid bedtime ritual is having a cup of chamomile tea and then using relaxing body oils infused with CBD and relaxing scented essential oils to help your body get in a tired state. You can also set my phone to “bedtime” mode around 8 pm so that you no longer get any alerts. Use this time to apply a nourishing lip treatment so that when you wake up in the AM, you have hydrated lips. Cutting off caffeine around 2 pm and ensuring your room is as dark as possible also helps to restful sleep.