Gifting According to Your Love Language

What's your love language?

Gifting can be difficult, especially when you’re trying to find the perfect gift for that special someone. Here are some tips and tricks to help you gift according to your partner’s love language.

Words of affirmation

People in this group value compliments, words of encouragement and appreciation This can be either written or spoken.

  1. Write a list of things you love about your person. The kids have done this for me for Mother’s Day before and I think it would be so sweet for a partner too.
  2. Gift a book 100 things I love about you (Amazon) and fill it out before you gift it, or commit to adding to it each day so they have something to look forward to every day!
  3. Gift a piece of jewelry with words that have meaning for your relationship. We always say love you back. Put it on a ring or necklace.

Quality time

This one is pretty self-explanatory: they love to spend time with their partner.

  1. Book a weekend away, even a staycation is amazing
  2. Go on a day trip and research ahead of time where you will stop for lunch/dinner/shopping, etc.
  3. Bundle up and go on a hike and, if there is snow, make sure you make a snow angel!

Physical touch

People in this group love physical affection: holding hands, cuddling, kissing…and more. *wink*

  1. Take matching outfits to a whole other level and get mittens that let you hold hands while you go for a walk.
  2. Couples massage
  3. Get intimate

Acts of service

This is for people who feel actions speak louder than words.  They love when someone does something for them to make their life easier.

  1. I know there is a negative association with giving appliances as gifts but I would lose my mind if I got a robot vacuum or air fryer. Giving a gift to people in this category that makes their life easier is a great idea!
  2. Offer to clean the house from top to bottom. But plan something for them to be outside of the house at the same time so they don’t feel like they have to pitch in (because you know that would happen!)
  3. Gift them a food delivery service for a month or more
  4. Wash their car and fill it with gas

Receiving gifts

This one is pretty obvious…but it’s not about the money spent, it’s about the thought and care put into choosing a gift. People in this category value the meaning behind gifts.