We Compare 3 Popular Ice Cream Makers

It’s getting hot outside so why not cool down with some home-made ice cream or sorbet!

Making ice cream is always a fun but machines are pricy, and it can be tricky to find something that works for you. Let’s put three machines to the test go over their pros and cons.

The Breville is super easy to use and only took me 35 minutes to freeze and mix the ice cream. I didn’t need to do any pre freezing before because it is a compressor machine which means there is a freezer in it. There is also a lot of easy customization for different textures of ice cream. The machine is super heavy so if you are going to be moving the machine around often or storing the ice cream maker in a small space, this may not be the one for you.


Price: $499

The Cuisinart is super easy to use and is fast for the amount of ice cream that it makes. After pouring the mixture into the machine It took 25 minutes to mix and freeze the ice cream. It’s not too large and is easy to store. The machine is great for large groups or families because it can easily make large amounts at once. The only downside is that the mixing container has to go in the freezer for 24 hours before you are ready to mix the ice cream.

Price: $219

Ninja Creami
With the Ninja Creami you can easily make sorbet from canned or fresh fruit. They day before you have to freeze the ingredients before mixing it in the machine. Once it is frozen it only takes 2 minutes to mix the frozen ingredients. The design is super slim and easy to leave out without taking up too much counter space.


Price $249