2019 Weight Loss Challenge: Summary Sheet

A summary of Dr. Joey Shulman's 2018 Cityline Weight Loss Challenge program—what it is and why it works!
We have officially kick off the 2019 Cityline Weight Loss Challenge with Dr. Joey Shulman. While we’ve already chose the challengers to participate on air, we have a challenge with our online community as well! Dr. Joey has all the recipes, meal plans, tips and printable documents you need to make 2019 your best year yet!

For all printable resources please scroll to the bottom of this article: 9 Steps To Start The 2019 Weight Loss Challenge

Dr. Joey’s Cityline Weight Loss 2018 program summary

Below you will find the 10 steps to successfully follow my program.  Keep in mind, my program is based on hormonal balance and quality calories. I do not want to deprive you or cut out essential food groups. Rather – I want to teach you a methodology of eating where you lose your weight, feel your best and keep your weight off for life!


Prior to reviewing the 10 summary steps, here are a few basic points that will help you stay on track along the way:


10 Steps To Success

Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out


1. Enjoy 1-grain option per day maximum. Your grain option can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch or afternoon snack. You are not to eat a grain at dinnertime. Dinnertime is to be grain free.
Options for grain include:


2. Enjoy 2 fruits per day. A fruit serving size is:

3. All vegetables are free and can be eaten at any time of day in limitless quantities with the exception of white potatoes, parsnips, squash and corn. Two small sweet potatoes or two selections of squash (1/2 cup – any type) are allowed per week and can be eaten at dinnertime if desired (instead of grain).

4. Enjoy 3-4 fats per day – fats are very important for weight loss and overall health and will actually help to boost your metabolism. A fat option can be eaten at each meal and snack. Serving sizes include:

5. Eat a protein at each and every meal. For women – 3-5 ounces of protein per meal is recommended, for men 4-6 ounces is recommended. 3 ounces of protein is = palm of your hand without fingers or a thumb. Protein options include:

6. Eat 3 meals and 1-2 snacks per day – Morning snack is optional; afternoon snack (3-4pm) is mandatory. Try to eat dinner no later than 7pm. After dinner stick to free foods which are herbal teas, vegetables (carrots, celery, radishes, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower), vegetable soup and/or water. To optimize your weight loss, try to eat your dinner as early as possible


7. Drink 8 glasses of water per day. Herbal teas count as water, coffee does not. It is also recommended to drink 1 cup minimum of green tea per day. Green tea contains an ingredient called EGCG which helps to boost your metabolism. Please note: 1-2 coffees per day is permitted. Do not put sweetener or cream in your coffee. If needed, please opt for sugar cane, brown sugar, coconut sugar and/or low fat milk. Better yet, drop the sugar and replace with cinnamon.

8. Enjoy 2 treats per week if needed (feel free to skip to optimize weight loss results).

9. Eliminate all added white sugar. I will be posting resources on natural sugar substitutions such as fruit, coconut sugar (in coffee) and small amounts of honey.  If sugar cravings are an issue – do not worry, it is very common and will soon subside once on the program.

10. Enjoy a maximum of 1 ounce of cheese per day (size of your thumb). Cheese is to be used as an “add on” – not as a main ingredient (i.e. on omelet, on top of salad, 1 babybel). Options such as goat’s cheese or a small amount of low fat mozzarella are recommended.



 An Example Of Your Perfect Weight Loss Day

Breakfast (7—8am)

Snack (10am) – optional

Lunch (12–1pm)

Snack (3—4pm)


See above for suggestions

Dinner (6—7 pm)


For more meal ideas, please refer to meal plan #1 posted in start up package.



Summary Of Serving Sizes

Protein Options—3-5 Ounces Per Meal

Fat Options—3-4 Per Day

 Vegetable options – FREE! (with the exception of white potatoes, parsnips and corn)

 Fruit Options—2 Per Day


Grain options – 1 Per Day

To download a printable version of your 2018 Weight Loss Challenge Program Summary click here.