Meet Our Winners And Find Out How To Follow Along At Home

We want all of you across the country to join the three-month challenge.

We received so many wonderful emails from viewers interested in participating in The CityLine Shape-Up. And though it was a difficult decision, we managed to narrow it down to these ladies as our winners. They will be working intensely with Dr. Joey Shulman and personal trainer Stephanie Joanne over the course of the next three months.

We want to introduce you to them, and also to remind you that we’ll be posting all the resources you need to follow along with us. Go to for everything you need to participate with us — from food journals and meal plans to fitness tips and tricks. Joey and Stef will be there with you every step of the way, encouraging and motivating you.

Congrats to our winners!

Hello CityLine!

Watching the show today I saw that you are doing the weight loss challenge again!  I am very excited and would like to be considered for the challenge. My 2 sisters and I each had babies summer 2011 (all within 6 weeks). Since then we have all been struggling to lose the weight that we put on during the pregnancy..and extra weight we had before getting pregnant.  Please consider the three of us for the challenge!

Brittany R. (Cory, Rebecca, and Brittany pictured above, left to right)

Dear CityLine, Dr. Shulman & Ms. Joanne:

Thank you for offering CityLine viewers the opportunity to participate in the Get Healthy in 2012 with CityLine. I sincerely hope I am one of the lucky chosen three.

Allow me to introduce myself. Jennifer Gomes, 54 years old, overweight! 

As a matter of fact, overweight is probably a polite way of putting it as the BMI charts describes it as obese.

I was always slim and never really had to watch my weight.   I was always able to eat anything and not gain any weight.  But, then I hit my 40s and the weight gain started. Although gradually, the mistake I made was buying larger size clothing each time I gained weight. I went from a Size 8 to 10, 12, 14, etc. Geez, even when I was 9 months pregnant in 1992, I weighed less (162 lbs). 

Amidst all this though, I did manage to quit smoking 6 years ago, but have really packed on the pounds since.  Also, diabetes runs in my family (Mom, two Aunts and Uncle are/were on insulin).  My Mom got diabetes at 55 years and now that I am approaching 55, I realize that I really need to take control of my health and make lifestyle changes in order to avoid any obese-related illnesses.     

Everyone has different reasons for wanting to lose weight.  In addition to wanting to feel good and look better, my main reason is to reduce fat/inflammation from my body.   I know with your help and guidance I can do it.   I feel like somewhere along the way I lost myself and became an Ostrich.   I would like to get my head out of the sand and get back my vitality and zest to live life to its fullest.   Being one of the chosen three would help me do just that  ……and THAT, WOULD BE TOTALLY AWESOME! 

Regards,                                                                                                                                                      Jennifer



My name is Kimberly Angel and I am pleading for your help.


Let me start off by stating that I have always embraced my curves and have never ever wanted to be a “waif”.  Prior to becoming a Mother, I led a healthy and active lifestyle.


After gaining over 40 pounds during pregnancy (I stopped counting when I hit 40 pounds), I gave birth to my beautiful baby boy, Emilio, on July 5th, 2011.  Although I had an unexpected c-section, my recovery was smooth.  However, my baby boy turned 6 months old today and I am disappointed that I have not shaken the last 20 pounds off.  Suffice to say, I’m in a rut.


I need to get Healthy and get my “MOJO” back.   I owe it to my husband, my son, but more importantly, I owe it to myself.


