The Must-Do Steps For Weight Loss

Okay – let’s get down to business. You are likely reading this paragraph because you, like so many other Canadians, are fed up with your excess weight and are looking to take it off for good!

Okay – let’s get down to business. You are likely reading this paragraph because you, like so many other Canadians, are fed up with your excess weight and are looking to take it off for good! If that is the case – welcome aboard. I assure you, I know that you can and will do it. It does not matter if you have tried every diet in the world, just had a baby (have you seen our winners?), are an emotional eater or are post menopausal – we are going to boost your metabolism and make some pretty darn good changes in the next 3 months!

Because life is so busy – I thought I could provide you with 10 simple steps to start you on program. Feel free to print this sheet off and post on your fridge as a friendly “Dr. Joey” reminder on what you need to do to lose.

If you start to feel discouraged along the way and need help – simply e-mail me at and put the “I need a weight loss buddy” as the subject line. I will be happy to help.

Your 10 “must do” steps are:

1. Eat a protein at every meal – for men it is 5-7 ounces, for women it is 4-6 ounces. As an “eye-balling” technique – 3 ounces of protein = a deck of cards. Options include eggs, yogurt, cottage cheese, chicken, turkey, lean beef, tofu, tempeh, whey protein, hemp protein.

2. Stop eating grain by 1pm-3pm. Dinner time should be “grain free”. Enjoy your grain options at breakfast OR at lunch. Grain options include:

  • 2 pieces of whole grain or sprouted grain bread
  • 1/2 cup of brown rice or quinoa (cooked)
  • 1 wrap (i.e. whole wheat or whole grain)
  • 3 pieces of Ryvita crackers
  • 1/2 cup of cooked whole grain or spelt pasta – please cook al dente (Undercook by 1-2 minutes for a firmer pasta. This lowers the glycemic index of the pasta)

3. Stick to free foods after dinner such as vegetables, pureed vegetables soups or herbal teas.

4. Drink 2 liters of water per day

5. Never skip breakfast! Click on the 7-Day Meal Plan to view some slimming (and yummy!) breakfast options.

6. Stay away from white sugar at all costs! If you are craving sweets, opt for fruit, sweet red peppers, sweet herbal tea or pop a few chewable vitamin C.

7. Drink green tea. Green tea contains a chemical called EGCG that helps to boost your metabolism.

8. Move it! You must work out on a regular basis. Follow along with Stef – we are so lucky to now have her as our own personal trainer.

9. Food journal. Food journaling will help you be mindful of your food choices. Click here for to download your own personal food journal.

10. Keep in touch. We want to hear from you! If you want to share your weight loss success story or just need a little pick me up – we are here from you! You can send your questions or comments to

twitter: @drjoeyshulman