How To Stop Nighttime Eating and Cravings

Eating at night (i.e. after dinner) often has an emotional basis. Happy, bored, sad, lonely, tired – we eat! Unfortunately, timing is important for weight loss.

Eating at night (i.e. after dinner) often has an emotional basis. Happy, bored, sad, lonely, tired — we eat! Unfortunately, timing is important for weight loss. As the light goes down, so does your metabolic capacity. In other words, your body does not want to start digesting a large meal in the evening.

For optimal weight loss results, keep this expression top of mind: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper!”

To break your nighttime eating pattern – try the following:

1. Drink sweet herbal teas – chocolate, caramel, iced green teas and sweet fruit teas are all allowed and all count as part of your water intake.

2. Vegetables are free. If you have the urge to munch, opt for sliced cucumbers, baby carrots, sliced sweet red peppers or celery.

3. Invest in homemade popsicle makers and make your own healthy version. Simply add 1/2 cup of mixed berries, 1/2 banana, 1 cup of water and crushed ice. Blend on high and freeze in popsicle makers. Have one at night when a sweet craving hits.

4. Keep frozen red grapes and red berries in the freezer. When you feel like a sweet treat at night (or during the day), pop a few in your mouth.

5. Make sure you consume enough protein at dinnertime to fill you up.

6. Pop 2 chewable vitamin C into your mouth – available at most health food stores.

7. Have a small container of unsweetened applesauce with just 50 calories.

8. Drink a cup of chicken or vegetable broth (try low sodium if possible)

9. Chew on a piece of gum or brush your teeth.

REMEMBER: Cravings and nighttime eating are not a sign that you are weak. They are, however, an indication that you may be “biochemically off”. Once you stick to the CityLine weight loss challenge and follow the above recommendations for 3-5 days, your cravings and urge to eat at night will be gone.

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