Go Stretch: The Importance Of Flexibility

Flexibility is a very important component of fitness. It is far too often that "stretching" is overlooked.

Flexibility is a very important component of fitness. It is far too often that “stretching” is overlooked. The benefits to flexibility are just as great as cardiovascular training and resistance training yet still so often overlooked.

In simple terms it is how our joints can move through range of motion. Increasing the ability of your joints to move (increasing flexibility) will help improve your quality of life.

Posture, injury prevention, relaxation and even relieving stress are just some of the reasons why I love to stretch!

My general guidelines for stretching

1. Keep in control: the intensity should be manageable without pain. I see far too many people “stretching” that look like they are fighting the worst pains of their lives! This is NOT the point.

2. Warm muscles: always make sure you are warmed up before any flexibility training. Stretching at the end of your workout emphasizing the muscles trained is an effective strategy.

3. Care with the Neck: use extreme caution with anything involving your neck, especially stretches.

4. Slow down: hold the stretch long enough so the muscle gets a chance to relax in the stretched position. In general 30 seconds is a good time to hold a stretch.

5. Breathe: enjoy it! Use this as a time to relax and keep a clear mind. This is not about challenging your limits. This comes in time.

Now…go STRETCH…(after your warm up of course)!