Skinny Mexican Salsa

Low in cholesterol, fat, and calories, my Skinny Mexican Salsa is the healthy way to add depth and flavor to any dish.

This is one of my favorite recipes. Low in cholesterol, fat, and calories, my Skinny Mexican Salsa is the healthy way to add depth and flavor to any dish. Eaten on its own, mixed with eggs, vegetables, fish or chicken, this tasty option is loaded with natural goodness.

Skinny Mexican Salsa

3 cups diced tomatoes 750 mL

1 cup diced onion 250 mL

1/2 cup finely chopped cilantro 125 mL

1 large jalapeño pepper, finely diced 1

1 tbsp minced garlic 15 mL

1 tbsp sugar 15 mL

2 tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice 25 mL

1 tbsp olive oil 15 mL

1 tbsp white vinegar 15 mL

1. Combine tomato, onion, cilantro, jalapeño pepper, garlic, sugar, lemon juice, olive oil, and white vinegar.

2. Mix thoroughly and refrigerate.

3. The salsa can be served immediately; however, allowing it to marinate in the refrigerator for 2 to 3 hours will improve the taste.

Note: If an extra “zing” in the recipe doesn’t appeal to you, simply leave out the jalapeño peppers.

Makes: 16 servings (¼ cup/50 mL each)

Preparation time: 15 min

Total time: 15 min

Per serving: calories 36, protein 0.8 g, total fat 1.5 g, saturated fat 0 g, carbohydrates 5 g, fibre 2 g, sodium 8 mg, cholesterol 0 mg

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