My Milestone Year: Share your September goals!

In September, Tracy's goal is to stay grounded amid the star-studded, publicity-driven chaos that is TIFF.

Tracy turned the big 4-0 in January, and she’s making the most of her milestone year. Each month, she’ll be posting a new goal on her social media accounts — it could be more time with friends, a fitness goal or volunteering more in the community. Here’s Tracy’s goal for September, plus a roundup of your August goals below.

September is halfway over, but it is the perfect time to post #MyMilestoneYear goal.

In the midst of all the fakeness and folly that comes along with a festival dripping with thirsty hangers-on, insecure groupies and desperate for attention up-and-comers, I have one goal: to have one authentic conversation at each TIFF event.

This year the goal was smashed!

I met folks who were real, self-possessed, unapologetically vulnerable and authentic. I’m sensing that the more real I get with myself, the more realness I attract…and this is awesome.

So, this month’s goal is to stay grounded amid the star-studded, publicity-driven chaos that is TIFF. So far it’s working.

What’s your goal this month?


Here are the goals you shared on Tracy’s August Instagram post:

janetteewen: August goal… Get organized before fall !!

carend16: I just turned 40 and am looking at it as New Years, my goal this month is to eat clean!

1ofthose2girls: Funny I started doing that a goal a month at the beginning of the year! I sorta slipped off but going to do it lots of August left sti! Back on track August goal is purge!

joanycmac: This year I made a decision if I bring something new into the house either clothing or housewares that I will donate or discard something. So far it has worked. Bonus points if more than one item goes!!

mmbeaman: My goal is to create a minimalist wardrobe for Fall. And to clean our basement of all our grown-up kids junk! Time to start down sizing. Any tips?

What are your September goals? Share them with us on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, and be sure to include the hashtag #mymilestoneyear!