Why you Should be Reverse Running for Your Health

We do all sorts of Reverse Exercises when we want to mix things up. I definitely do. From reverse lunges to reverse crunches, even reverse planks. But have you heard of Reverse Running?

Reverse running, also known as backwards running, retro running, or retro locomotion is the act of running in reverse so that one travels in the direction one's back is facing rather than one’s front. It is classed as a retro movement, the reverse of a normal movement. Although reverse running isn’t technically a new trend, it has gained renowned interest in recent years and is a fitness trend for 2022. The known benefits of reverse running are plenty and they include that it burns more calories than traditional running and also improves your posture.

The 4 key benefits

  1. Now Forward Running is very repetitive and can cause overuse injuries, tightness, muscular imbalances, and decreased mobility over time. Reverse running Reduces this repetitive injury risk.
  2. Improve muscular balance (strengthens calves, feet and entire posterior chain)
  3. Increase calorie expenditure
  4. Enhanced posture

Tips for getting started

  1. Keep your chest high/shoulders back
  2. Take short steps, the landing should be under your body
  3. Pump your arms (set the cadence)
  4. Be safe
    1. Run on even ground, at times where the running route is not busy
    2. Keep aware of peripheral surroundings always
    3. Keep it intermittent especially if you’re starting out (ie. 30sec-1min backward, 5min forwards)
    4. Try running with a friend and alternate with each other
  5. Make sure you warm up!
    1. Heel walks
    2. Reverse Lunges
    3. Reverse A-Skip

Post-run stretches

  • Lying Quad/TFL stretch
  • Calf Stretch