How To Manage Mental Health While Emerging From Lockdown

Karlyn Percil shares essential advice on how to manage fears and mental health as lockdown measures ease.

The fear and anxiety that many people are feeling as we slowly come out of isolation is real. It can be awhile before we find a way back to our social routines and this can be stressful as we learn how to cope with what will be our new normal. Life and success coach Karlyn Percil has essential advice on how to help our fears and mental health as we come out of lockdown.

Coming out of lockdown – there might be two themes. Those who are eager and ready to mix and mingle and the other will be those rippled with a little bit of social anxiety  – a bit nervous, don’t know what to expect and in some cases just really skeptical about the safety of ourselves and our loved ones. And for introverts – the thoughts of the crowd will take some time to adjust to. To prepare for the next normal, first understand your process and prepare for what’s next. There will be a mental tax and it’ll lessen that tax by preparing.

  • Masks, hand sanitizers – etc make sure you and your family are set up. Keep extra one’s in the car – we’re not used to socializing with these restrictions – so just in the event you leave home in a rush and forget. Also create mini readiness packages – with masks, hand sanitizers and other essentials. 
  • Create bucket list items and prepare for your next outing with family and loved ones (the brain will love this and will lessen the mental load of assessing your state of readiness) picnics, do a walk by your fav restaurant – test your comfort zone.
  • Phase your interactions – revisit your favourite items on a smaller scale – maybe you’re not ready for a restaurant but you can invite a few friends over and cook together or be a tourist in your own city with a few friends – or a mini road trip to another town or county or city can satisfy you
  • Keep up with your whole self care – mentally, spiritually and practice your loving kindness affirmation and be patient with yourself and others. You might react differently than you thought – that’s ok. You might find yourself judging those not wearing a mask- extend compassion, do your best and remember this is unprecedented and we’re all going our best. Try to find joy, peace in the moments and remember to be kind to yourself.