How To Up-Cycle Old Ornaments To Match Your Holiday Décor

Stylish and fun to make!

Does anyone else have that one stash of ornaments that never see the light of day? Here are some easy and of course stylish ways to give them new life.

I love switching my Christmas decor up every now and then and it can pricey – plus I’m trying to be more of a minimalist and I find the most cost-efficient and sustainable way to switch things up is to revamp those old and outdated decorations!

You can do this with paint, some embellishments and with the right tools, you can even make brand new ornaments!

DIY 1: Distressed Ornament Using Chalk Paint

You want to start off by using ornaments that have some detail to them and aren’t completely smooth balls, this will help when distressing them.

Step 1: Start by removing the caps so you don’t get paint on them. Then you want to paint 2 coats of white chalked paint onto the ornaments.

A tip to make drying simple, poke some toothpicks poked into a box and just put them on top of the toothpicks to dry! I suggest leaving them overnight.

Step 2: Using some medium grit sandpaper, you distress the ornaments. Focus on the ridges and details of the ornament.

Once you’re happy with the look add your cap back on and you’re ready to hang your ornaments!

DIY 2: Marbled Ornament

Really one of the easiest DIY tricks…paint can do so much. We’re going to do this marble effect. I love marbling and these marbled ornaments can be done with virtually any colour combo.

Step 1: Begin by choosing 2-4 acrylic colours that you want to use. Squeeze acrylic paint around the outside of the ornament. You want a good amount of paint for it to swirl.

Step 2: Swirl the paint around using a skewer – be careful not to over mix. Then swirl the paint to cover the entire surface.

Step 3: Turn the ornament over onto a cup to let the paint run out then let your ornament sit and dry overnight. Once dried, replace the cap/holder and hang your ornaments!

DIY 3: Paint Free Upcycling

If the paint isn’t your thing, you can also revamp your ornaments using embellishments! This is probably the simplest way to jazz up your old ornaments!

Step 1: I took these strip embellishments and stuck them on the ornaments.

Step 2: There are so many different types of embellishments from pearls to large filigree, you can pick what bests suit your overall décor and go to town!