7 Foods That Will Keep You Energetic All Day

Feel your best from morning 'till night with these food picks.

Dr. Joey Shulman shows us which foods are best to make sure your energy stays flowing all day long!

  1. Blueberries
    Blueberries have a low glycemic index rating and do not cause a blood sugar spike or fall.  They are also naturally sweet helping to curb any sugar craving. They’re a great addition to a morning smoothie or even an afternoon yogurt parfait.
  2. Apples and apple sauce
    Apples are very high in fibre and can help sustain your mid-day hunger. They’re great at any time of the day to make sure you never crash!
  3. Spinach
    Spinach is an excellent source of iron which is a key component in energy production. Eat this highly nutritious leafy green to avoid the afternoon energy slump! It can be easily incorporated into a smoothie or a salad for that extra kick.
  4. Salmon
    Did you know your brain was made up of 60% fat? You need “good fat” to reduce inflammation, lose weight and keep energy up. Good news, salmon is filled with omega 3 fat and in fact, a 4-ounce serving of salmon contains 2 grams of omega 3. You can incorporate smoked salmon into your breakfast or enjoy a salmon fillet for dinner.
  5. Almonds
    Almonds are filled with heart-healthy fat, protein and fibre. They also contain B vitamins which are great for energy and for helping with nervous system regulation. Toss some into your morning smoothie or yogurt or even your salad at lunchtime.
  6. Hard-boiled eggs
    Hungry but not looking to crash just yet? Opt-in for a hard-boiled egg. Each hard-boiled egg contains 6 grams of protein and is also calorie-light and full of B vitamins, zinc and calcium. A sliced apple and hard-boiled egg are the perfect afternoon snack to avoid the 3 pm slump.
  7. Green tea
    Tired of coffee? Green tea contains EGCG and l-theanine. L-theanine helps to keep you both calm and alert at the same times avoiding those coffee jitters you can sometimes get.

Here are different recipes to incorporate these foods into your diet!

Walnut crusted salmon