5 Outdoor Exercises You Can Do Using A Park Bench

Cool moves to tone your body in the great outdoors.

Firstly, we all must use the beautiful weather as a chance to get your workouts outdoors and enjoy nature, the nice weather and sunshine!

Secondly, you can do something as simple as going for a walk or run, or a body weight workout with a bench at a nearby park.

The Bench

This is what you can do with a Bench:

  1. Bench steps up, one leg does most of the work, while working out your glutes, quads and knees.
  2. Side-step ups, to work the inner and outer thighs- strength and cardio combined.
  3. Bench dips, work those triceps while you lift your body weight.
  4. Push-ups, planks and mountain climbers!

So many different options to work your entire body.

Park Equipment

You can take a few pieces of equipment like a skipping rope and bands and work out with those as well. Another great idea is that there are lots of parks that now have outdoor gyms with benches, pull up bars and structures you can work out on- don’t be shy to try them out.

At the park you can do…

  1. Hanging knee tucks
  2. Split Squat with elevated leg

    Via: Experience Life
  3. Bench hop overs

    Via: Get Healthy U

The point is to try and get out and do something active daily.

Exercising Outdoors

Mornings and evenings are best, the sun it’s too harsh and tha

t time of day is cooler. Try and wear comfortable, breathable clothing. Hat, and layers if you need.  Make sure you’re hydrated, drink water throughout the day, take it with you. Don’t forget sunscreen and reply if you need to!